Cause-Effect Patterns
This pattern is used to show the different causes and effects of various conditions. This pattern is particularly effective when writing a persuasive document in which the writer advocates some action to solve a problem, because it demonstrates important relationships between variables. There are two major variations to this pattern; (a) dividing the outline into two major sections comprised of causes and effects; or (b) dividing the outline according to the different causes, with the effects of each cause contained within the larger "causes" section. See the examples below.
Suppose a writer's stated purpose is to explain the causes of conflict escalation and their effects. He/she could organize the information in one of the following two ways. Again, notice that either method could work equally well.
Cause and Effect Pattern Example One
I. Causes of Conflict Escalation
Expanding the issues
Personal attacks
II. Effects of these causes
Lose focus on original issue
Cycle of defensive responses
Win-Lose orientation
Negative emotions
Cause and Effect Pattern Example Two
I. Cause: Expanding the issues
Effect: Lose focus on original issues
Effect: Cycle of defensive responses
II. Cause: Personal attacks
Effect: Negative emotions
Effect: Win-Lose orientation