Non-Exchangeable Potassium (NEx_K)
In Jhargram soil series the soil NEx_K content differed under different ecosystems and followed the order: Orchard (21.6) > Rice Medium Land (20.07) > Rice Upland (16.40) H” Rice Low Land (16.10) > Fallow (15.00) H” Forest (14.5) (Table 2).
Distribution of NEx_K across the three depths of sampling were significantly different and followed the order: 0-15 cm (18.40) > 15-30 cm (17.30) > 30-45 cm (16.10). In Saripbasa soil series, in Rice Medium land ecosystem (357.78) (table 4).Under different ecosystem the NEx_K followed the order: Rice Medium Land (357.78) > Rice Low Land (337.78) > Orchard (291.11) H” Fallow (285.56) > Forest (260.00) H” Rice Upland (251.11). Distribution of NEx_K across the three depths of sampling were significantly different and followed the order: 0-15 cm (329.44) > 15-30 cm (291.11) > 30-45 cm (271.11). These finding are similar with Naik et al., 2014.
Irrespective of ecosystem and depth of soil sampling the NEx_K content of Jhargram soil series was significantly positively correlated with pH (r=0.525) and Ws_K (r= 0. 309) (Table 3), of Saripbasa soil series NEx_K content was significantly positively correlated with pH (r=0.308), OC (r=0.404), Ws_K (r= 0. 591), Ex_K ( r=0.430) and Av_K (r=0.444) and significantly negatively correlated with EC (r=-0.309) (Table 5).