Product Brief
Service Operation Model
Desktop Managed Service Operation Process
Call Center SOW
Field Engineer SOW
Notebooks and Desktops Preparation & Delivery Process
FSBT will provider Call Center (from 8 am - 5pm on Business days) as single point of contact where INDG will submit incident or request related to Hardware leasing service mentioned in the contract
FSBT Call Center will provide a call and/or incident logging and tracking process using Incident Log Management System that was provided as a service under this Agreement.
FSBT Call Center will also act as a First Level support for INDG for basic issues relating provided leasing IT equipment according to the Service Level Agreements (SLA)
The Service Provider will provide a dispatch process for call and/or incident to third party hardware with accuracy. Providing that the equipment is within service warranty period.
Weekly, Monthly reports must be provided by covering following areas
Number of new laptop requests from both new user and replace user
Number of incident raised from INDG
Number of incident resolved and request fulfilled
Number of items delivered to INDG
Number of On-site support requested by INDG
Top 5 of number of parts replaced