Very few studies are reported regarding the non-extractablepolyphenols, because extractable polyphenols only are reported. Table 4 shows the polyphenols content in spaghetti made with 100% semolina and spaghetti made with banana flour at different levels. The values obtained for the control sample were lower than those calculated in the banana flour-added spaghetti. The sample with 45% of added banana flour, showed the highest polyphenolic compounds value, particularly regarding the content of condensed tannins. Saura-Calixto, Serrano, and Goñi (2007), found that the non-extractable polyphenols content is much higher than that of extractable polyphenol in all food groups tested, with high levels of condensed tannins in fruits and vegetables; whilst the content of hydrolysable tannins represented a significant quantitative fraction of the polyphenols in all the food samples. It is known that fruits are usually rich in polyphenols and that these contain high amounts of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins (condensedtannins).