Numerous studies were conducted that allows citizens to report a crime online. One such study was by [8] of Florida, USA , wherein they used a website to encouraged the community to report crimes. The result revealed that 8.97% of the crimes reported are from online facility. Further evidence also shows that the public is willing to use the internet to report crimes online. In addition, they have computed a significant cost savings based on the study. The state developed an online crime reporting system for financial reasons. This is there alternative measures to save money in hiring additional people to work on reports in the office. The survey also includes an inquiry of the support of the community. The result clearly indicated that strong supports of 76.6% from the respondents were met. It also highlighted that 31.8% were victims of minor crimes who opt not to report because of inconvenience. An interesting number is 68.9 of the respondents would more likely to report a crime if the option to self-report from the convenience of one’s home of office if available.