Age and country/regional effects
The age modification observed could reflect unemployment
being more stressful for older job seekers , for instance due to
outdated skills, or real or perceived job discrimination.
Alternatively, it could reflect accumulation of exposure over the
life course. There is substantial evidence that unemployment
spells cluster longitudinally within individuals, due to loss of
skills or impact on perceived employability.There is also
evidence that effects of unemployment on inflammation are
lasting and could act additively over time.Hence, late-career
unemployment may be acting as a marker for longer term
unemployment and/or more past unemployment, with plausibly
greater effects on inflammation.
Age and country/regional effectsThe age modification observed could reflect unemploymentbeing more stressful for older job seekers , for instance due tooutdated skills, or real or perceived job discrimination.Alternatively, it could reflect accumulation of exposure over thelife course. There is substantial evidence that unemploymentspells cluster longitudinally within individuals, due to loss ofskills or impact on perceived employability.There is alsoevidence that effects of unemployment on inflammation arelasting and could act additively over time.Hence, late-careerunemployment may be acting as a marker for longer termunemployment and/or more past unemployment, with plausiblygreater effects on inflammation.
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