Besides building better quality flats in new housing estates, we also provide our older estates with a new lease of life through the Estate Renewal Strategy. This comprehensive and coordinated approach covers the Main and Interim Upgrading Programmes, the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme, and Lift Upgrading Programme. Other aspects of improvement for older estates, such as modernising the town centres, adding or upgrading community facilities, and improving the road and transportation network, are covered as well.
As part of the government’s continual efforts to enhance the quality of life of Singaporeans through its public housing programme, the Main Upgrading Programme (MUP) was introduced in 1990.
In August 2007, the MUP was replaced by the Home Improvement Programme. More improvement options for the residents and elderly were introduced in July 2012 under the Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) programme to improve the comfort and enhance the mobility of seniors and/ or vulnerable residents living in HDB flats. From March 2013, the EASE (Direct Application) was offered to elderly living in HDB flats.
The Interim Upgrading Programme Plus was also replaced by the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme, which focuses on block and neighbourhood improvements with a stronger emphasis on community engagement and consultation. In 2014, we introduced a new Selective Lift Replacement Programme to replace old lifts with modern ones that are more energy efficient, safe, and secure.