The server-side database maintains all of the data requiredfor business, and the mobile database downloads copies
ofdata the user needs from the server-side database. Thesynchronization server is located between the two databases
tosynchronize the data and manage additional informationrequired for synchronization. The AnySyn
synchronization server performs synchronization based on the SAMDalgorithm. The synchronization policy is
established in AnySyn, and the load caused by accessing the server-sidedatabase is minimized by operating a
connection pool. Everymobile device uses a separate toolkit to access the AnySyn server over a wired network to
perform synchronization.
The server-side database maintains all of the data requiredfor business, and the mobile database downloads copies
ofdata the user needs from the server-side database. Thesynchronization server is located between the two databases
tosynchronize the data and manage additional informationrequired for synchronization. The AnySyn
synchronization server performs synchronization based on the SAMDalgorithm. The synchronization policy is
established in AnySyn, and the load caused by accessing the server-sidedatabase is minimized by operating a
connection pool. Everymobile device uses a separate toolkit to access the AnySyn server over a wired network to
perform synchronization.