In this regard, if their suppliers feel cheated, does it really affect Wal-Mart in
the end since suppliers cannot afford to lose their business? The answer is
yes because, “suppliers can affect manufacturing time, product quality, and
inventory levels.” All of these aspects of supply can shape Wal-Mart’s ability
to effectively restock their shelves for their inventory turnover.[10] In addition,
if Wal-Mart pursued avenues that would seriously undercut their suppliers,
then they face a variety of possible repercussions. For instance, if suppliers
became unable to take care of their workforces, then Wal-Mart could see
significant drops in their product inventories. Therefore, even though
suppliers do not have power in regards to their relationship with Wal-Mart, it
is still important for Wal-Mart to maintain relations with their 21,000 suppliers
because suppliers are the key to Wal-Mart achieving its goals and strategy.