Educational Institution" or "Education Entity" means an academic institution located in Thailand that meets one or more of the criteria set forth in (1) – (7) below:
Public or private kindergartens, elementary schools, secondary schools that are lawfully established, authorized, created, licensed, administered, chartered and/or registered with/by the Thai Ministry of Education;
Public or private universities, institutes, colleges and other higher education institutions that are registered with and recognized by the Office of the Higher Education Commission of the Ministry of Education and listed on the official portal of the Office of the Higher Education Commission ( or successor web site thereto) AND which either:
(a) offer academic courses of study that lead to a certification that is nationally recognized as part of Thailand's mainstream educational progression;
(b) offer internationally recognized academic programs such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma, International General Certificate of Secondary Education, the British 'A' Levels programme, or the equivalent of other national systems; or
(c) grant degrees, diplomas or certificates requiring not less than the equivalent of two(2) years of full–time study;
Colleges and institutes that are lawfully established, authorized, created, licensed, administered, chartered and/or registered with/by the Vocational Education Commission AND which grant diplomas or certificates requiring not less than the equivalent of two (2) years of full–time study;
Private international schools registered with the Ministry of Education and AND which offer internationally recognized academic programs such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma, International General Certificate of Secondary Education, the British 'A' Levels programme, the Canadian matriculation programme or the equivalent of other national systems;
Teacher training institute currently known as Rajabhat University;
Higher education research laboratories that are public institutions and registered with the Ministry of Education; or
Educational establishments specifically named and approved by Adobe's Legal Department in writing.
"Higher Education Institution" shall mean an institution described in Sections (2) (c), (5), (6) or (7) above.
Provided always that, notwithstanding that an educational establishment may have met with one or more of the criteria set forth in (1) – (7) above, Adobe may determine, in its sole discretion, not to approve any such educational establishment as an "Educational Institution", "Education Entity" or "Higher Education Institution".
"Educational Institution", "Education Entity" or "Higher Education Institution" does not mean any individual student, tutor, lecturer, or schools or entities which do not grant academic degrees. Examples of non–qualified educational establishments (a non–exhaustive list) include:
(A) Childcare centres (unless such childcare centres also offer kindergarten programs);
(B) Vocational training centres, commercial training centres, skills centres, enrichment centres, tuition centres, education centres, correspondence schools, or other schools, granting certificates or providing courses on computer training, job training, tuition on school subjects, language, arts, music classes, or other subjects or topics, where such entities do not grant degrees, diplomas or certificates requiring at least the equivalent of two (2) years of full–time study;
(C) Alumni organizations of Educational Institutions;
(D) Museums or libraries;
(E) Hospitals not wholly owned and operated by an Educational Institution;
(F) Churches, mosques, temples or religious organizations that are not otherwise Educational Institutions;
(G) Military schools that do not grant academic degrees; and
(H) Office of the Higher Education Commission Research laboratories or institutes not registered with the Ministry of Education. For example, institutions recognized by other government branches or ministries are not eligible, regardless of any affiliation or ties with an Educational Institution.
สถาบันการศึกษา"หรือ"หน่วยงานการศึกษา"หมายความว่า สถาบันการศึกษาอยู่ในประเทศไทยที่ตรงกับเงื่อนไขที่กำหนดไว้ใน (1) – (7) ด้านล่างอย่างน้อยหนึ่ง:สาธารณะ หรือส่วนตัว kindergartens โรงเรียนประถม โรงเรียนมัธยมที่มี lawfully ก่อตั้งขึ้น ได้รับอนุญาต สร้าง อนุญาต จัดการ ดชาร์ / กับ/โดยกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ ไทยมหาวิทยาลัยรัฐ หรือเอกชน สถาบัน วิทยาลัย และสถาบันอุดมศึกษาอื่นที่มีทะเบียน และยอมรับ โดยสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษาของกระทรวงศึกษาธิการ และแสดงอยู่บนเว็บไซต์อย่างเป็นทางการของสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการอุดมศึกษา ( หรือสืบเว็บไซต์จุด) และการอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง:(ก) ศึกษาหลักสูตรการศึกษาที่นำไปสู่การรับรองมาตรฐานที่เป็นที่รู้จักเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของประเทศหลักการศึกษาก้าวหน้า ผลงาน นำเสนอ(ข) ข้อเสนอในระดับสากลรู้จักวิชาการโปรแกรมเช่นอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนล Baccalaureate ประกาศนียบัตร ใบรับรองนานาชาติทั่วไปศึกษา อังกฤษโปรแกรมระดับ 'A' หรือเทียบเท่ากับระบบอื่นชาติ หรือ(ค) ให้องศา วุฒิบัตร หรือใบรับรองต้องไม่น้อยกว่าเทียบเท่ากับ two(2) ปีการศึกษา – เวลาวิทยาลัยและสถาบันที่มี lawfully ก่อตั้งขึ้น ได้รับอนุญาต สร้าง อนุญาต จัดการ ดชาร์ และ/หรือลงทะเบียนกับ/โดยอาชีวศึกษาศึกษาคณะกรรมการและที่ให้ปริญญาบัตรหรือใบรับรองต้องไม่น้อยกว่าสอง (2) ปีการศึกษา – เวลา ที่เทียบเท่ากับPrivate international schools registered with the Ministry of Education and AND which offer internationally recognized academic programs such as the International Baccalaureate Diploma, International General Certificate of Secondary Education, the British 'A' Levels programme, the Canadian matriculation programme or the equivalent of other national systems;Teacher training institute currently known as Rajabhat University;Higher education research laboratories that are public institutions and registered with the Ministry of Education; orEducational establishments specifically named and approved by Adobe's Legal Department in writing."Higher Education Institution" shall mean an institution described in Sections (2) (c), (5), (6) or (7) above.Provided always that, notwithstanding that an educational establishment may have met with one or more of the criteria set forth in (1) – (7) above, Adobe may determine, in its sole discretion, not to approve any such educational establishment as an "Educational Institution", "Education Entity" or "Higher Education Institution"."Educational Institution", "Education Entity" or "Higher Education Institution" does not mean any individual student, tutor, lecturer, or schools or entities which do not grant academic degrees. Examples of non–qualified educational establishments (a non–exhaustive list) include:(A) Childcare centres (unless such childcare centres also offer kindergarten programs);
(B) Vocational training centres, commercial training centres, skills centres, enrichment centres, tuition centres, education centres, correspondence schools, or other schools, granting certificates or providing courses on computer training, job training, tuition on school subjects, language, arts, music classes, or other subjects or topics, where such entities do not grant degrees, diplomas or certificates requiring at least the equivalent of two (2) years of full–time study;
(C) Alumni organizations of Educational Institutions;
(D) Museums or libraries;
(E) Hospitals not wholly owned and operated by an Educational Institution;
(F) Churches, mosques, temples or religious organizations that are not otherwise Educational Institutions;
(G) Military schools that do not grant academic degrees; and
(H) Office of the Higher Education Commission Research laboratories or institutes not registered with the Ministry of Education. For example, institutions recognized by other government branches or ministries are not eligible, regardless of any affiliation or ties with an Educational Institution.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..