novel sandwich layer can be isolated and used for a wide variety of potential including photovoltaics, catalysis, electrode in highenergy
density batteries, lubricant and others potential purpose.
Traditionally, MoSe2 nanomaterial was synthesized by solid-state
reaction or Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) between a stoichiometric
amount of elemental molybdenum and selenium in a sealed
evacuated tube at a temperature of at least 900 ◦C for several days.
However the above methods either involve a high temperature
procedure or a complicated manipulation. More importantly, the
morphology and size of the samples are difficult to control. Furthermore,
the environmental regulations must also be taken into
consideration in developing new methods and techniques. Therefore,
it is still a challenge to develop a simple and effective solution
synthetic method to prepare MoSe2 nanomaterials with complex
morphology at a lower temperature