She’s not really big on meeting people though, which can make social occasions when we’re together awkward sometimes. She’s one of those people who is content with the people she’s familiar with and that’ll do. Not interested in new friends much. This gets some people offside sometimes. Other friends think she’s snobby, some even say that she hates everything. I know what they mean, but I get to see a whole different side to her.
Not that I haven’t had ‘disagreements’ with her before. We’ve been angry at each other on a few occasions. For example, she’s vomited all over my carpet not once, but three times. Three times I’ve had to clean her spew!
She does get awful jealous sometimes though. When ever I’ve had a girl over, she always does her best to get between us. Literally. It’s awkward to say the least. But she’s my best friend and I don’t want to upset her. So we’ve set up a bed in my room that she can sleep in when she wants.