he cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable costs
of bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use. The cost of all aircraft is stated net of manufacturers’
credit. Aircraft and related equipment acquired on an exchange basis are stated at amounts paid plus the fair value
of the fixed asset traded-in. Expenditure for heavy maintenance visits on aircraft, engine overhauls and landing gear
overhauls, is capitalised at cost. Expenditure for engine overhaul costs covered by power-by-hour (fixed rate charged
per hour) maintenance agreements is capitalised by hours flown. Expenditure for other maintenance and repairs is
charged to the profit and loss account. When assets are sold or retired, their costs, accumulated depreciation and
accumulated impairment losses, if any, are removed from the financial statements and any gain or loss resulting from
their disposal is included in the profit and loss account.
he cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable costsof bringing the asset to working condition for its intended use. The cost of all aircraft is stated net of manufacturers’credit. Aircraft and related equipment acquired on an exchange basis are stated at amounts paid plus the fair valueof the fixed asset traded-in. Expenditure for heavy maintenance visits on aircraft, engine overhauls and landing gearoverhauls, is capitalised at cost. Expenditure for engine overhaul costs covered by power-by-hour (fixed rate chargedper hour) maintenance agreements is capitalised by hours flown. Expenditure for other maintenance and repairs ischarged to the profit and loss account. When assets are sold or retired, their costs, accumulated depreciation andaccumulated impairment losses, if any, are removed from the financial statements and any gain or loss resulting fromtheir disposal is included in the profit and loss account.
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