If you’ve been following our vlogs on YouTube (and if you aren’t – then howww did you find this website lol), you’ll know that I’ve been recently rereading the Harry Potter series while doing the bookclub. I reached a very sad part in the book we’re reading for bookclub, so I needed a pick me up, and what better way to do that than Harry Potter? There was a tumblr post that put it adequately:
“A moment of silence for all the books on your bookshelf that you pass to read Harry Potter for the 15th time.”
There really isn’t much for me to say about the series because I’m sure we all here share the same enthusiasm for the series, but I’m more interested in discovering what your favorite Harry Potter book is and why. I did a short survey on Instagram/Facebook and received some surprising results. It seems like answers are all over the board. I was expecting maybe the last 4 to be the most prominent, but I was wrong.
My answer: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The Ravenclaw in me is rearing its head with this. I LOVE the fact that the students take their education into their own hands and use it against the Ministry. This was the exact type of student I was in high school. I can’t tell you how many times my mom got a call from the school because I had been fighting, not with students, but with my teachers. If I felt like my time was being wasted or that the teacher was wrong, I made it known (I’m more pleasant and cordial now, I promise). I would have been the person to form Dumbledore’s Army. NERD.
What about you? In the comments below, tell me your favorite and what it means to you personally. This is super interesting to me (duh because Harry Potter is involved).