8.10 Resistance, Capacitance and Inductance Measurement
In this section, we will examine and review the various means of measuring resistance,
capacitance and inductance. We have already examined null methods of measuring R, C
and L at audio frequencies using various bridge circuits in Chapters 4 and 5. These
methods will be referred to, but not repeated here. Rather, we will examine various active
and passive ohmmeter circuits, means of characterizing linear and nonlinear (voltage
variable) capacitances with dc and high frequency ac, and the means of measuring the
properties of inductances at high frequencies.
8.10 Resistance, Capacitance and Inductance MeasurementIn this section, we will examine and review the various means of measuring resistance,capacitance and inductance. We have already examined null methods of measuring R, Cand L at audio frequencies using various bridge circuits in Chapters 4 and 5. Thesemethods will be referred to, but not repeated here. Rather, we will examine various activeand passive ohmmeter circuits, means of characterizing linear and nonlinear (voltagevariable) capacitances with dc and high frequency ac, and the means of measuring theproperties of inductances at high frequencies.
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