Jupiter conjunction Ascendant: Beware of airs
Beginning of November 2015 until mid-July 2016: During this period you feel good and project warm positive energies out into the world. This in turn affects your relationships very positively and enables you to encounter people who can be good for you precisely because you are good for them. In all personal and professional transactions with others you will give and receive in equal measure.
Personal relationships expand under this influence. If you have been living in a relatively small circle of friends and acquaintances, you will expand your circle and meet people whom you wouldn't ordinarily, possibly including the rich and famous or people in power. Just be careful that you don't become involved with these people for superficial reasons; make sure that you can grow through them. The fact that a person is socially significant may not have any relevance to your relationship.
The basis for all this is that in a very real sense you are growing and taking more and more of the outer world into your personal sphere. You are trying to include more of the world in your experience. Properly handled, this process can make you a much wiser and more mature individual. Your view of life should expand, and you should become increasingly tolerant of the wide differences among people in the world. You have the opportunity to become a woman of the world to a much greater extent.
At this time, you should be careful not to assume arrogant airs or to think that you are better than you are. You are probably a fine person, but that does not mean that you are necessarily better than everyone else. Think in terms of your personal growth, not in terms of your status with respect to others.