The word "cereal" comes from the name Ceres, the ancient Roman Goddess of agriculture, grain, crops and fertility. Cereal has been one of man's primary foods since Neolithic times when agriculture, or the cultivation of wild grains was first discovered. One of the greatest benefits that cereals brought was the possibility to store food throughout the year, so that the primitive communities could raise and grow their own crops in the same area rather than be forced to relocate in search of new hunting areas.Today, cereals are food that children and adults both enjoy and breakfast is an excellent occasion to enjoy these cereals together with the family. Individuals who eat with their family tend to have more nutritious breakfasts, which helps develop good nutrition habits that last a lifetime.Simply put, cereal is a food derived from any plant in the grass family that yields edible grain or seed. Corn, wheat, oats, rice, and barley are some of the most popular examples of grains from which cereal can be derived.