A full-grown viper boa requires an aquarium or enclosure that is a minimum of least 30 square feet large, with the emphasis on length and width, not height. Viper boas live in tropical areas that are hot and very humid; their enclosure should be set up to mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. The floor of the snake’s home should be lined with either 3-4 inches of peat moss soil or large bark chips; small wood shavings should not be used as they can be accidentally swallowed and cause a blockage in the reptile’s stomach and intestines. The aquarium should include several large flat stones for the snake to climb and bask on, a reptile hide for it to hide and sleep in, and a large water dish for the snake to drink from and bathe in. Owners can also add non-toxic plants like ferns to the aquarium too. Viper boas require temperatures of around 85-90 Fahrenheit in the day, and around 80-85 Fahrenheit at nighttime. The lights in the aquarium should mimic both daytime and nighttime, so owners need to have their lights on and off for 12 hours each. Viper boas require a humidity level of 70-80%; the aquarium should be misted twice to three times daily.