Your Covisint User ID: WDMSHAREPOINT2013 has not accessed the Ford Supplier Portal for over 60 days. This email is being sent as a courtesy to make you aware of functionality that may impact your future ability to access this portal and its applications.
Activity Requirement
Each User ID with access must use one application from this portal once every 90 days. In order to maintain active status, you must access the portal or its applications once every 60 days. Over the past 60 days you have not accessed this portal. If you do not do so within the next 30 days, the status of this portal grant will become inactive. This will impact your ability to access the Ford Supplier Portal .
Consequences of Being Inactivated
If your grant is inactivated, you will not be able to access the portal nor any of the applications contained therein. You WILL maintain access to other Covisint-supplied services. If your account remains inactive for too long, an administrator may decide to revoke your access to this portal entirely.
How Can I Prevent my Access from Being Inactivated?
In order to maintain your active status, perform the following step:
1. Access the Ford Supplier Portal on the Covisint portal
By accessing the portal periodically, you preserve your access. Should your access become inactive, your Security Administrator can easily re-activate your access.
Kind Regards,
Covisint Connection and Administration (CCA) Team