There are the pictures I want. Take one clear picture of the food so people understand what it looks like (like on a menu). Then you can take any pictures you want: people eating the food, in the restaurant, packaging, anything.
KFC "seed" rice bowl
KFC spicy chicken rice bowl
KFC breakfast jok
Burger King Grilled Pork with Stick Rice
Burger King Taro and Black Rice Pie (one picture whole and one cut open to see the filling)
McDonalds Crab Pie (one picture whole and one cut open to see the filling)
McDonalds McKao Yum
McDonalds Breakfast jok
A&W Laab
Texas Chicken Kee Mao Wrap
7-11 All Cafe Yum Sai Grog or Yum Naem
Carl's Jr. Satay Sandwich
Dean and Deluca mango sticky rice milk shake