i am not sure what you are saying above Pim. You are my wife, and I want my wife happy - I am just saying to you, that if you want the boy, you have to be sure and get everything right.It is a human life. I am not upset with you - you are showing me a caring side and I like that. If you want the boy, get the boy - but you have to make sure everything is planned before you do this to make everything lawful. Can the girl wait until I arrive in BKK ? It is very hard for me to say yes or no in an hour ! I know you want a boy Pim, I do. All I ask is that if you want this child - you do it properly and work out what we can afford. You are my wife, I will try and please you. Besides, if I agree then I make you kiss the sausgae every morning hahaha. Do what you want wife and I will follow you - just do not leave us penniless