I think I do not agree with u, I do care about u, I'm just not ready to love you.. And I feel like it's going to hurt you when I cannot give u back the same feeling u have for me, my heart is very protected because it's been hurt so many times before... I do not love easily and since I met you, I can see you are such a nice sweet girl who shouldn't have to wait for someone... I am still a little bit broken from my last relationship and it will take time for me to heal from that.. I wish I could give 100% of myself to you but I cannot, I really tried to be a good guy for you but because I don't love you, I don't care about you the same way u care about me (but I do still very care how YOU feel) which is why I didn't want to make you get hurt from me or something I do.. It was not an easy thing for me to ask u to leave, I enjoyed you being with me very much however if I really care about u.. I need to let you go until I can give my heart and soul to you 100%..because this is what someone who is special and wonderful like you, deserves. I know it's hard to understand and easy to be angry with me for this, I know you are hurt also but I'm trying to SAVE you from more hurt In the future honey, please believe this.
I don't know about the future and I hope we could still be friends, if you find someone who can give you everything and your smile never fades when your with them.. I will be happy for you very much. I know you think that maybe that person could be ME in the future, maybe i could.. I just don't know, we will have to find out. You cannot change destiny and if we are meant to be together, our lives will come together again for sure.
I really hope u can understand the words which I say, I will always be here for you honey, even if you hate me.
B xx