Apartment buildings urged to install CCTV
The National Council for Peace and Order on Thursday urged owners of rental rooms and apartment buildings nationwide to install closed-circuit security cameras in their buildings.
Published: 17/09/2015 at 03:44 PM
Writer: Wassana Nanuam
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NCPO spokesman Col Winthai Suvaree said officers investigating the Erawan shrine blast had discovered that several rental apartments in which suspects or people of interest had stayed did not have security surveillance cameras.
Col Winthai requested apartment building owners to install security cameras to monitor people and vehicles entering and leaving. This would directly benefit their businesses and help security authorities to do their work.
Building owners could seek advice on the installation of cameras and other security issues from police and soldiers stationed in their neighbourhood.
Col Winthai also asked members of the media to exercise caution in reporting the deadly Aug 17 explosion, saying they should not write stories that cause confusion or have a negative impact on Thailand’s relations with other countries.
Police would update the public on the progress of the investigation on Friday, he added.