Knowingly violating FTC trade regulation rules may result in a civil
penalty of up to $10,000 per violation.12
The FTC also can make victimized consumers whole through
restitution and force wrongdoers to disgorge their ill-gotten gains.13
The FTC seeks these remedies when it can objectively determine a
clear violation of a law and reasonably calculate the damages
payment. However, where the FTC determines that private actions or
criminal proceedings will result in complete relief for the consumer, it
may choose not to use the restitution or disgorgement remedies.
Finally, if the FTC has reason to believe that a party is violating, or
will violate a law, it may seek a preliminary or permanent injunction
from the federal district court to prevent the violation from
The FTC does not have the power to bring criminal charges.
Any such federal cases in the consumer protection area would be
brought in federal courts by the U.S. Department of Justice. A
defendant can be convicted of a criminal offense only upon