What made you go into doing hiphop?
I didn’t start doing music because I want to do hiphop. I don’t categorise music into genres I like all of them. I wanted to do rock initially. Because I wanted to do rock, I asked my father to buy me a guitar, but he bought me an acoustic guitar instead of an electrical guitar. Looking at the acoustic guitar, I don’t think it feels as cool (laughs). I wanted to do rock but you’d have to spend a lot of money to do rock music. Other music genres also need alot of money to do, but hiphop is like you only need to write your own lyrics. Hiphop can be done even without anything, so I started doing hiphop. But I don’t only do hiphop. I like rap and hiphop, so if to choose a genre, it’s hiphop, so people think I’m only a rapper. I want to do rock music and I’m also interested in the other genres.
‘Giriboy’ What’s the meaning of it?
The meaning is 'able to see the way’ I named myself Giriboy so I can see what’s infront of me clearly. (t/n: future is bright)
What was the occasion/opportunity that made you go into Just Music?
Just like other rappers, I made music difficultly while doing part time jobs last time. Once, because I like Shinhwa, I also tried preparing to become an idol. But being an idol, there’s alot of restrictions, I can’t do what I want to do, it didn’t fit with me. I quit preparing to become an idol and made music sketches while working part-time. I heard Geeks’ and Block B’s songs playing while I was working part-time. Looking at my friends in Domain who I have made music with before, they’re doing well now, so I thought to myself that I shouldn’t be like this, and so I started to work really hard making music. One day, Ugly Duck hyung called. Swings hyung asked him to introduce me to him. I am a fan of Verbal Jint and Swings. Especially I even have received a sign from Swings hyung before. Swings hyung is the first rapper that I have received a sign from. I got his contact and met up with him. Right on the day that we met, he asked me to join his company. I thought that I shouldn’t give in right away, so I said I’m going to have to think about it first. (laughs) Actually, Lilboi from Geeks also asked me to join his company, Grandline. Lilboi likes me a lot so he wants me to join in the same company with him. He knew that I contacted with Swings hyung. Right on that day, Lilboi called me and asked me to come out. He bought me a meal and even bought me cigarettes (laughs) But I have already made my mind to go into Swings’ company at that time. I acted like I was struggling to make my decision for a while, and then I went to Just Music.