Bard: Her Braga, your wife would look lovely in this.
Braga: What do you know of my wife?
Bard: I know her as well as any man in this town.
Braga gets angry and storms off.
The company leave, and arrive at Bard’s house, where they are greeted by his son.
1:39:22 – As the dwarves and Bilbo are sneaking into the armory to get weapons, the scene shifts to the Master of Laketown’s home. Alfrid is standing on the balcony.
Master: Prophecy? Who dragged up that old nonsense?
Alfrid: People, sire. They’re gathering in the streets. They’re saying that a king will return to the Lonely Mountain, and that the rivers will once more run with gold.
Master: Rivers of gold? Poppy(burps)cock.
Alfrid: As you say, sire. But people will believe what they want to believe. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen any riches. The old tales offer them hope.
The scene shifts back to the armory and the dwarves grabbing as many weapons as they can carry.
1:42:25 – After Thorin promises the citizens of Laketown that if they help them, they will be rewarded with riches. The celebration is interrupted by Alfrid.
Alfrid: Why should we take you at your word, eh? We don’t know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character?
Bilbo, standing in the crowd, raises his hand.
Bilbo: Me. I’ll vouch for him. Now, I have travelled far with these dwarves through great danger, and if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word, then he will keep it.