Hand Washing Using Plain or Antimicrobial Soap and Water
Stand in front of sink, keeping hands and uniform away from sink surface. If hands touch sink during hand washing, repeat hand washing.
Turn on water. Turn on faucet or push knee pedals laterally, or press pedals with foot to regulate flow and temperature (Figure 1).
Avoid splashing water against uniform.
Regulate flow of water so that temperature is warm.
Wet hands and wrists thoroughly under running water. Keep hands and forearms lower than the elbows during washing.
Apply a small amount of soap or antiseptic, lathering thoroughly (Figure 2). Soap granules and leaflet preparations are an option for use.
Perform hand hygiene using plenty of lather and friction for at least 15 seconds. Interlace fingers and rub palms and back of hands with circular motion at least five times each. Keep fingertips down to facilitate removal of microorganisms.
Areas underlying fingernails are often soiled. Clean them with the fingernails of other hand and additional soap, or clean with a disposable nail cleaner.
Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly, keeping hands down and elbows up (Figure 3).
Dry hands thoroughly from fingers to wrists with paper towel, single-use cloth, or warm air dryer.
Discard paper towel, if used, in proper trash receptacle. Perform hand hygiene using plain or antimicrobial soap and water, from start to dry, for 20 to 30 seconds.
To turn off hand faucet, use clean, dry paper towel, and avoid touching handles with hands (Figure 4). Turn off water with foot or knee pedals if applicable.
Apply lotion to hands. Use the facility-provided lotion if one is available. Avoid petroleum-based lotions.
Hand Washing Using Plain or Antimicrobial Soap and WaterStand in front of sink, keeping hands and uniform away from sink surface. If hands touch sink during hand washing, repeat hand washing.Turn on water. Turn on faucet or push knee pedals laterally, or press pedals with foot to regulate flow and temperature (Figure 1).Avoid splashing water against uniform.Regulate flow of water so that temperature is warm.Wet hands and wrists thoroughly under running water. Keep hands and forearms lower than the elbows during washing.Apply a small amount of soap or antiseptic, lathering thoroughly (Figure 2). Soap granules and leaflet preparations are an option for use.Perform hand hygiene using plenty of lather and friction for at least 15 seconds. Interlace fingers and rub palms and back of hands with circular motion at least five times each. Keep fingertips down to facilitate removal of microorganisms.Areas underlying fingernails are often soiled. Clean them with the fingernails of other hand and additional soap, or clean with a disposable nail cleaner.Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly, keeping hands down and elbows up (Figure 3).Dry hands thoroughly from fingers to wrists with paper towel, single-use cloth, or warm air dryer.Discard paper towel, if used, in proper trash receptacle. Perform hand hygiene using plain or antimicrobial soap and water, from start to dry, for 20 to 30 seconds.To turn off hand faucet, use clean, dry paper towel, and avoid touching handles with hands (Figure 4). Turn off water with foot or knee pedals if applicable.Apply lotion to hands. Use the facility-provided lotion if one is available. Avoid petroleum-based lotions.
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