Sharing :: new era
Generation 1 SLM - Single level marketing
It is caused by salesman emphasize sale 1/1 direct sale.people who do not know what will work, come to work this
Generation 2 MLM - multi level marketing
From salesman developed is salesteam is much more possible sale, Better, but still hard active
Generation 3 Semi Passive
Start with upline and downline comes in. With the system, but that system depending on only.When the upline is not working or moving to another . Downline must be moved by.
Generation 3.1 MLM + SYSTEM (unicity)
Can 100% Fully retire.
Nowhere to announce that the companyitself is not good.
But what that proves is that.
1) Vision
2) Logical reasoning
and that is the most important
3) Results **
Is measure the results of their respective companies.
The Breviary*
Who success not important BUT How can i need to be success
The only thing that makes for success or failure. In this business is "faith."