Can one person change the world? Should we as people stop trying to make the world a better place? One person can change the world just like in the film “Pay it Forward.” The main character, Trevor, in the film “Pay It Forward” believed it was possible and “Payed it forward”. “Pay it Forward” means the benefit of a good deed to repay it to others instead of to the benefiter. Trevor in an attempt to bring good into the world devises this idea that generates a lot of controversy. The story’s unique construction manipulates time in such a way that we see how an innocent idea left a large-scale affect. Trevor contributed to a great change nationwide and helped his family as well.
The film movie “Pay It Forward” followed the 5 C’s in such a way that it told a gripping story. The first C represents the main character Trevor. Trevor is an idealistic and empathetic young boy who with his idea of paying it forward somewhat helped change the nation. He believed that with this idea he could help those around him such as a homeless man named Jerry, his teacher Mr. Simonet, and his friend Adam. Although he didn’t believe his idea worked in the end it did. The conflict is Trevor wants to help Jerry, Mr. Simonet and Adam but he thinks he can’t. Jerry has a drug addiction and Trevor wants to help him stop. He wants to help his teacher trust and love someone so he sets him up with his mother who also needs help. Trevor’s mom is addicted to alcohol and Trevor is afraid his father will come back and abuse his mother again so he wants his teacher to be there so he can protect her. The catastrophe of the film is Trevor believes his “pay it forward” idea didn’t work. Also his father returns and his mother takes him back and leaves Mr. Simonet. The climax is Trevor stands up for his friend Adam and prevents him from being bullied but as a result gets stabbed and dies. The conclusion was Trevor’s mother makes Trevor’s father leave and goes back with Mr. Simonet. Jerry helps the women from committing suicide instead of going to do drugs. Also Trevor helps Adam from being bullied but is stabbed and dies.
The film creatively constructed the arrangement of time through out the film. The whole idea of “pay it forward” started because of Trevor. However, the film shows multiple story lines up to Trevor’s storyline that shows he had come up with “pay it forward.” At first the guy reporting the idea first finds out about the idea after receiving a jaguar from a man. This man has a daughter who has asthma. One day he took his daughter to the hospital because she had a really bad asthma attack but the hospital nurse didn’t care and told them to wait like it wasn’t something serious. Instead the nurse was going to help another man who was injured on his arm. He made the nurse help the girl first by shooting the floor and although he was arrested and taken away he helped saved the life of the girl. The man who helped save the girl one day robbed a store and was chased by the police. However, this old lady helped him escape by giving him a ride far away to the place where she lives. This old lady helped the guy because of the idea “paying it forward” that she got from her daughter which is Trevor’s mother. Trevor’s mother told his grandmother she would help her and let her see Trevor only when she was sober but she would have to help 3 other people in other words “pay it forward.” His mother got the idea “pay it forward” from Trevor which he thought of for his social studies changing the world project.
The film also depicted a variety of serious social issues such as drug and alcohol addiction, bullying and young boys with weapons like knifes, and poverty. The film depicts drug addiction because Jerry the drug addict who Trevor tries to help has a serious problem with drugs. Trevor wanted to help Jerry stop drugging himself and be a better person but he just goes back to doing the same thing. However, when he see’s the women about to commit suicide he changes his mind about going to do drugs and helps her down the bridge ledge and they go drink coffee together. Trevor’s mother and grandmother both had an alcohol addiction. Trevor wanted to help his mother stop it and he did because his mother loved Trevor and was willing to change for him but she needed him to support her. His grandmother was willing to be sober as long as he could see Trevor. In the film Trevor’s friends Adam is bullied like everyday and he wants to stop it from happening to him by standing up for his friend. When Trevor stands up for Adam he gets stabbed with a weapon the boy snuck into the school and sadly Trevor dies. Another social issue in the film is poverty because like Jerry and Trevor’s grandmother they were both homeless people living in bad conditions like in busted up tents and old wrecked train carts.
One kind act I’ve done for others that they couldn’t do themselves is helping a women set up an account for something she needed because she didn’t und