Keys to tribes
Key 1
1a. Bamboos, culms woody; lower culm sheaths broad with rudimentary blades ................................................... 1. Bambuseae (p. 7)
1b. Herbs, occasionally reeds or culms canelike; lower culm sheaths with normal blades.
2a. Spikelets arranged in pairs (rarely triads) on fragile racemes; raceme rachis breaking up into segments bearing a
sessile and pedicelled spikelet .............................................................................................................................................. Key 2
2b. Spikelets arranged singly in panicles or racemes (occasionally raceme fragile but spikelets single; or spikelets
paired but raceme tough).
3a. Spikelets with strictly 2 florets and no rachilla extension; lower floret staminate or barren, sometimes reduced
to an empty lemma, upper floret fertile ......................................................................................................................... Key 2
3b. Spikelets with 1 to many florets (if 2 florets, then both fertile, or the lower fertile, or rachilla extension
4a. Spikelets with 2 or more fertile florets .................................................................................................................... Key 3
4b. Spikelets with 1 fertile floret, sometimes with additional staminate or barren florets ........................................... Key 4
Key 2
1a. Spikelets disarticulating at maturity above glumes.
2a. Spikelets disarticulating above glumes; lemmas both orbicular to broadly elliptic, awnless; leaf blades
lanceolate to ovate ..................................................................................................................................... 25. Isachneae (p. 554)
2b. Spikelets disarticulating below fertile (upper) floret; lower lemma resembling upper glume,
persistent, upper lemma terete, often awned; leaf blades linear ......................................................... 27. Arundinelleae (p. 561)
1b. Spikelets falling entire at maturity, either singly or with other spikelets and inflorescence parts attached.
3a. Spikelets single, or if paired both spikelets alike; glumes thinner than fertile floret, lower glume
short or even suppressed; fertile floret papery to crustaceous or leathery, awnless .................................. 24. Paniceae (p. 499)
3b. Spikelets paired, usually one sessile and the other pedicelled, often dissimilar and arranged in fragile
racemes; glumes as long as spikelet, tougher than and enclosing hyaline florets; fertile floret often
with geniculate awn (spikelets rarely single or both pedicelled, but then either in fragile racemes
or geniculately awned) ...................................................................................................................... 28. Andropogoneae (p. 570)
Key 3
1a. Inflorescence of one or more racemes.
2a. Ligule a line of hairs; lemmas 1–3-veined ......................................................................................... 22. Eragrostideae (p. 457)
2b. Ligule membranous; lemmas 5 or more veined.
3a. Leaf sheaths tubular, margins joined for most or all of length ............................................................... 9. Meliceae (p. 212)
3b. Leaf sheaths not tubular, margins free.
4a. Spikelets placed broadside to rachis; both glumes present; ovary with hairy apical appendage.
5a. Spikelets shortly pedicellate, usually terete or almost so; lemmas 7–9-veined ............ 13. Brachypodieae (p. 368)
5b. Spikelets sessile, laterally compressed (if rarely pedicellate, lemmas 5-veined) ................... 15. Triticeae (p. 386)
4b. Spikelets placed edgeways to rachis; lower glume absent (except terminal spikelet);
ovary glabrous ................................................................................................................. 11. Poeae (61. Lolium: p. 243)
1b. Inflorescence a panicle, open, contracted, or dense and spikelike.
6a. Spikelets with 2 florets, rachilla extension absent; one or both florets usually indurated.
7a. Lemmas entire, awnless, glabrous or puberulous ............................................................................... 25. Isachneae (p. 554)
7b. Lemmas 2-toothed, awned from sinus, densely hispid .................................................................... 26. Eriachneae (p. 561)
6b. Spikelets with several florets, or if 2 then rachilla extension present.
8a. Lemmas deeply cleft into 7–9 awns ............................................................................................ 21. Pappophoreae (p. 456)
8b. Lemmas awnless or 1-awned.
9a. Leaf sheaths tubular, the margins joined for most or all of length .................................................. 9. Meliceae (p. 212)
9b. Leaf sheaths not tubular, margins free.
10a. Culms reedlike, usually tall; panicle large, plumose ........................................................ 18. Arundineae (p. 447)
10b. Culms mostly slender, if tall then not reedlike; panicle not large and plumose (if plant
a large tussock with serrate leaf blades and plumose panicle, see 113. Cortaderia).
11a. Ligule a line of hairs.
12a. Basal internodes swollen; leaf blades articulated with sheath
................................................................................................. 18. Arundineae (114. Molinia: p. 447)
12b. Basal internodes not swollen; leaf blades persistent ................................. 22. Eragrostideae (p. 457)
11b. Ligule membranous.
13a. Pericarp thickened into a pale beak or knob at grain apex .......................... 10. Diarrheneae (p. 223)
13b. Pericarp not thickened.
14a. Leaf blades with obvious cross veins, broad .................................... 16. Centotheceae (p. 444)
14b. Leaf blades without cross veins.
15a. Lemmas 3-veined; spikelets in dense globular
clusters on an elongate axis ......................... 18. Arundineae (118. Elytrophorus: p. 450)
15b. Lemmas 5 or more veined; spikelets not in
globular clusters.
16a. Glumes usually as long as spikelet, always
longer than lowest lemma.
17a. Ligule a line of hairs; awn, when present, arising
from sinus of 2-lobed apex ..................................... 19. Danthonieae (p. 449)
17b. Ligule membranous; awn, when present, arising
from lemma back ............................................................ 12. Aveneae (p. 316)
16b. Glumes shorter than spikelet, usually shorter than lowest lemma;
lemmas awnless or a straight awn arising at or near apex.
18a. Ovary glabrous or hairy, styles arising from its apex; lemmas
awnless or awned from apex (awn rarely subapical, but
then leaf sheaths glabrous and palea keels scabrid) ......... 11. Poeae (p. 224)
18b. Ovary with a hairy apical appendage, styles arising beneath
it; lemmas awned from just below apex; leaf sheaths
hairy; palea keels ciliate ................................................ 14. Bromeae (p. 370)
Key 4
1a. Glumes absent or both very short.
2a. Spikelets in umbellate clusters; dwarf ephemeral ............................................................. 12. Aveneae (85. Coleanthus: p. 340)
2b. Spikelets in a panicle; annual or perennial.
3a. Palea 3–7-veined, 1-keeled; anthers often 6; caryopsis not beaked ........................................................ 4. Oryzeae (p. 181)
3b. Palea 2-veined, convolute; anthers 2; caryopsis beaked .............................................................. 5. Brachyelytreae (p. 187)
1b. Glumes well developed, at least the upper.
4a. Spikelets unisexual; female spikelet inflated, shell- or urn-shaped ............................................................... 2. Phareae (p. 180)
4b. Spikelets bisexual, not shell- or urn-shaped.
5a. Leaf blades with cross veins, broadly linear to ovate.
6a. Pedicel falling with spikelet; spikelets very small, numerous in a large panicle; florets 2;
lower floret sterile, upper floret fertile, its lemma with ciliate margins ............................ 17. Thysanolaeneae (p. 446)
6b. Pedicel persistent; florets 1 or more; lowest floret fertile when more than 1.
7a. Leaf blades broadly linear with twisted pseudopetiole; grain globose with thick
loose pericarp ............................................................................................................ 6. Phaenospermateae (p. 187)
7b. Leaf blades lanceolate to ovate, not pseudopetiolate or twisted; grain an ovoid to
trigonous caryopsis.
8a. Glumes persistent; lemma 3–9-veined ........................................................................ 16. Centotheceae (p. 444)
8b. Glumes deciduous; lemma 1-veined; low trailing annual ............ 25. Isachneae (182. Sphaerocaryum: p. 560)
5b. Leaf blades without cross veins, usually narrow.
9a. Inflorescence composed of one or more racemes.
10a. Spikelets in triads ........................................................................................ 15. Triticeae (100. Hordeum: p. 395)
10b. Spikelets single.
11a. Rachis fragile; glumes placed side by side ............................................ 11. Poeae (74. Parapholis: p. 315)
11b. Rachis tough; glumes opposite.
12a. Lemma 5-veined; spikelets orbicular with gibbously inflated
glumes enclosing floret .......................................................... 12. Aveneae (92. Beckmannia: p. 364)
12b. Lemma 1–3-veined; spikelets not as above ................................................ 23. Cynodonteae (p. 487)
9b. Inflorescence an open, contracted or spikelike panicle.
13a. Spikelets with 2 florets, lower floret staminate or barren, awned from
low on back, upper floret fertile ........................................................... 12. Aveneae (76. Arrhenatherum: p. 322)
13b. Spikelets with 1 to several florets (if 2 florets, lower floret fertile).
14a. Ligule a line of hairs.
15a. Lemma cleft into 7–9 awns ....................................................................... 21. Pappophoreae (p. 456)
15b. Lemma with 1 or