International Olympic Committee (IOC)
TAFISA and the IOC share a long standing cooperation emphasised by the IOC’s official recignition of TAFISA, the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two organisations for the further development of selected TAFISA programs, and TAFISA’s seat on the IOC Sport for All Commission.
European Non-Governmental Sports Organisations (ENGSO)
In 2010, TAFISA and ENGSO solidified their relationship by signing a memorandum of understanding.
Federation International Sport pour Tous (FISpT)
TAFISA and FISpT have strengthened their relationship over recent years and are currently in the process of signing a memorandum of understanding.
World Health Organisation (WHO)
TAFISA and the WHO enjoy an mutually beneficial working relationship, currently being strengthened by the cooperation between TAFISA’s Triple AC program and WHO Europe’s Healthly Cities program.
United Nations (UN)
TAFISA and the UN have begun an active cooperation with the intention to pursue Sport for All development projects, particularly in Africa.
IUNworld, an international network of universities with a focus on sport management, and TAFISA have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop educational opportunities in the field of Sport for All.
International Sports and Culture Assocation (ISCA)
ISCA and TAFISA have stepped up their cooperation to not only include increased communications between the two organisations, but also creating joint programs and events, for example the European Congress MOVE2010.
International Council of Sports Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)
TAFISA Secretary General, Mr Wolfgang Baumann, is a Board Member of ICSSPE which highlights the strong and positive relationship between the two organisations. ICSSPE has also been patron to many TAFISA events.
United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation (UNESCO)
TAFISA and UNESCO have been active partners for many years, highlighted by TAFISA’s seats on the Permanent Consultive Council (PCC) and International Committee for Physical Education and Sport (CIGEPS). UNESCO have also been patron to many TAFISA events.
International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS)
The International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) is an international, non-governmental, non-profit organisation operating in the field of sports and leisure facilities. TAFISA and IAKS signed an MOU in 2010 for cooperation regarding facilities for Sports for All.