Physical chemical, thermal characteristics and results of
elemental and proximate analysis are given in table 1. Paddy
husk has a higher heating value of 15.5 MJKg which supports
its use as fuel for furnaces and gasifiers. Silica and pentosan
content is high. Paddy husk thus has potential for use as a feed
stock for furfural and silica manufacture.
Thermogram of paddy husk at different heating rates and
under different atmospheres are shown m Figure l(a) through
(d) The temperature scale on these thermograms is not hear,
and has been adjusted to enable a more accurate determination
of the weight loss The degradation process is dwded mto
three &mct stages The first stage IS the dehydr&on of paddy
husk whch occurred up to a temperature of 160 "C The next
stage is the devolathzation followed by com-on of residual
matenal The second and tlurd stages can also be attributed to
degradabon of heimcellulose and cellulose followed by
degradation of hgtlln m the thud stage The end of second
stage and start of thwd phase is mdxated by mark 'B' on the
thermogram The first stage bemg the dehydrauon was not
considered in calculating the kinetic parameters and the
effective two stages considered were stage 1 and stage 2.
The data owed fiom one thermogram (heating rate
10°C/w atmosphere-air) is given in Table3; the table also
mcludes the alpha values and time in seconds. This data was
used for the determination of activation energy and preexponential
factor using the first order model suggested by
Bining (1992) and Agarwal(1987 and 1986), and also the
model of Coats and Redferm for various orders of reactions.
The results are f"ized in table 4. A brief descrrptons of
the models is gwen below.
Computation of kinetic parameters for the
principal conversion stage was done using an appropriate
integral solution. The multistage model using first order
hetics provided good fit to experimental data. The
solution to the temperature integral of rate equation No. 7
used for the determination of lunetic parameters is as given