but nanomaterials can greatly improve the chemical pre- treatments (Han and Bai, 2009; Swetha et al., 2010).
Thus the main AIM of the present study was to test the com- bination of photocatalytic (nano-TiO2/UV, nano-Fe2O3/UV, nano- TiO2/H2O2/UV and nano-Fe2O3/H2O2/UV) and biological treatments with fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Pleurotus sajor caju), for improving the chemical characteristics of OMW and reducing its toxicity. the chemical pre-treatment was applied to diluted OMW (50%). However, this dilution was lower than those reported by previous studies (Jarboui et al., 2013; Ntougias et al., 2012). the efficiency of combined treatments was assessed through aromatics (270 nm), color reduction (465 nm), COD, TPC and ecotoxicity (Microtoxs) reduction. to the best of our knowl- edge, this Is the first study applying biological treatment with fungi to OMW pre-treated by photocatalytic oxidation with nanomaterials.