we have studied the effects of the Ba0.90Ca0.10Zr0.10-
Ti0.90O3 seed on electrical properties of the Ba0.90Ca0.10Zr0.10-
Ti0.90O3 ceramic system by varying the seed content (0.0–4.0 mol
%). It was found that the seed induced method can reduce the
calcination temperature and also improve properties of BCZT
ceramics such as high density values, piezoelectric coefficients (d33
403 pC/N), remnant polarization (Pr 9.35mC/cm2) and low
dielectric loss (tan d) which were obtained in seed added samples.
However, the 1.0 mol% BCZT seed added BCZT ceramic samples
exhibited dielectric constant (er) at room temperature were lower
than non seeded ceramics. As the above literature about Nb2O5
doped piezoelectric ceramics stated that proper Nb2O5 doping can
enhance the densification, dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties, thus, in this work, we studied the physical,
dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Nb2O5 oxide
doped Ba0.90Ca0.10Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 ceramics induced by using 1 mol%
of BCZT (same composition) seed