Shoppers can be classified according to their shopping techniques, as necessity shoppers, over spenders, and impulsive shoppers. Necessity shoppers have an uncomplicated and normal shopping technique. They purchase only the items that are necessary, such as food and toiletries, and they only get these items when they need them. The overspenders purchase too many items and they spend too much money on them. They buy unnecessary products, such as clothes and accessories. They can turn a simple trip to the store into a wallet draining extravaganza. Finally, there are impulsive shoppers. They are a combination between necessity shoppers and over spenders. They intend to be necessity shoppers by buying items that they need, but they turn into over spenders by buying unnecessary clothes and useless items. Even though there are millions of shoppers worldwide, they can easily be classified by their techniques as necessity shoppers, over spenders, or impulsive shoppers.