1. Function. As shown in the 3D example, the purpose of a motor mount is to attach a motor to a
structure such as a robot frame.
2. Attachment method. Fasteners are typically used to connect the motor to the mount and the
mount to the frame. Other attachment methods involve riveting, welding and adhesive bonding.
Fasteners are the most suitable method for attaching the motor mount because they require
moderate strength and may need removal for storage or adjustment.
3. Mechanical properties. The motor mount must be capable of rigidly supporting the motor (and
everything attached to it) without failure during its expected life span. If the motor mount
geometry and material selection are inadequate, the mount can break completely or bend so
much that the motor can not effectively accomplish its task.
Motor Mount Design Tips
1. General shape. Use simple shapes you have experience producing using the manual machines
in the lab. Stated another way, never design part features you don’t know how to make. It is
much easier (i.e. quicker and cheaper) to design a rectangular motor mount cut to size from a
piece of longer flat bar using the bandsaw as opposed to a fancy bracket with curves that would
require a CNC machine to produce (and the necessary part programming and debugging time).
Fillets might look nice on the solid part model, but unless critical to part function, they only
add time and expense to the part, with no performance benefit.
2. Keep it small. A smaller or shorter motor mount has a lower material cost. A shorter mount is
also stiffer (if all other geometry is identical). Therefore, a shorter motor mount will be
cheaper and more rigid compared to a longer part, so make sure you can justify why your
mounts cannot be made any shorter or smaller.
3. Material specification. Most of the robots built in the course weigh around 35 pounds
(including the control box). When deciding on material type and size, it’s instructional to grab a
piece of material off the material rack and physically apply the amount of force it will see by
hand to decide if it’s a prudent choice. Thin flat bar stock is often a good choice for motor
mounts. Select a material possessing good manufacturability and strength. If weight is
important, consider different available materials’ strength-to-density ratios. Manufacturing time
and thus part cost are typically proportional to material strength; knowing this, always select the
weakest material that is strong enough for the design to ensure the cheapest material and lowest
part cost.
Objectives1. Function. As shown in the 3D example, the purpose of a motor mount is to attach a motor to astructure such as a robot frame.2. Attachment method. Fasteners are typically used to connect the motor to the mount and themount to the frame. Other attachment methods involve riveting, welding and adhesive bonding.Fasteners are the most suitable method for attaching the motor mount because they requiremoderate strength and may need removal for storage or adjustment.3. Mechanical properties. The motor mount must be capable of rigidly supporting the motor (andeverything attached to it) without failure during its expected life span. If the motor mountgeometry and material selection are inadequate, the mount can break completely or bend somuch that the motor can not effectively accomplish its task.Motor Mount Design Tips1. General shape. Use simple shapes you have experience producing using the manual machinesin the lab. Stated another way, never design part features you don’t know how to make. It ismuch easier (i.e. quicker and cheaper) to design a rectangular motor mount cut to size from apiece of longer flat bar using the bandsaw as opposed to a fancy bracket with curves that wouldrequire a CNC machine to produce (and the necessary part programming and debugging time).Fillets might look nice on the solid part model, but unless critical to part function, they onlyadd time and expense to the part, with no performance benefit.2. Keep it small. A smaller or shorter motor mount has a lower material cost. A shorter mount is
also stiffer (if all other geometry is identical). Therefore, a shorter motor mount will be
cheaper and more rigid compared to a longer part, so make sure you can justify why your
mounts cannot be made any shorter or smaller.
3. Material specification. Most of the robots built in the course weigh around 35 pounds
(including the control box). When deciding on material type and size, it’s instructional to grab a
piece of material off the material rack and physically apply the amount of force it will see by
hand to decide if it’s a prudent choice. Thin flat bar stock is often a good choice for motor
mounts. Select a material possessing good manufacturability and strength. If weight is
important, consider different available materials’ strength-to-density ratios. Manufacturing time
and thus part cost are typically proportional to material strength; knowing this, always select the
weakest material that is strong enough for the design to ensure the cheapest material and lowest
part cost.
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