Any taxable person or the corporations that are ‘under common control’: owning at least 66% of either the voting power in the corporation or the corporation’s common market value interests supposed to be controlled a long with group registration. A group may be formed by other taxable persons if any of the following control conditions is satisfied:
1) one group member controls each of the others;
2) one person (outside the group) controls all the members of the group; and
3) two or more persons carrying on a taxable activity as a partnership control the members of the group.
A group is required to appoint a representative member. If requested, the group members must issue tax invoices. To all group members’ taxable activities and file returns shall be accounted by the representative group members for GST with respect. Also as ‘jointly and severally liable for all GST liabilities’, group members must adopt the same tax periods and accounting basis for GST purposes. However, the transactions between group members are not generally liable to GST.