Despite the growing number of RLPs, little is known about whether and how consumers – particularly those not belonging to the focal religion and non- religious consumers – respond to religious labels. On the one hand, consumers may not recognise RLPs or may alter their brand perception if the religious label is associated with religious views they do not share. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that non-religious consumers and consumers of other religions increasingly demand RLPs, because they are perceived as exotic, interesting, or more pure and of higher quality (Alserhan, 2010; Havinga,2010). Consequently, we focus on three key issues: First, we analyse whether consumers not sharing the focal religious beliefs recognise religious labels. Second, we examine whether those consumers who recognise the religious labels correctly understand their meaning. Third, we investigate how such consumers react to RLPs. In our research, we distinguish between brands and products. Brands are managerial concepts that are used to identify ranges of products and their identity. Products, for the purposes of our research, are bundles of characteristics offered to consumers in a market. These bundles typically comprise information about the brand under which the product is sold. To investigate these issues, we anchor our research in two theoretical perspectives, namely social identity theory and information integration theory.