Authors’ contributions
All authors approved the final article; their individual contribution to the article was as follows: FGP: conception and design of the study; acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of the data; drafting the article and revising it critically, and approval of the final article; CA: analysis and interpretation of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; LAU: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; CRF: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; DMF: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; RRR: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; JJPG: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; ANM: acquisition of the data, revising the article critically, and approval of the final article; DMA: revising the article critically and approval of the final article; and GU: revising the article critically and approval of the final article.