Another suggested categorization, unique to cyberbullying, was derived from theoretical considerations. Conventional bullying is often subdivided into verbal, physical, and relational bullying. For cyberbullying, Willard proposed eight types of "cyberbullying activities and other forms of online social cruelty". We consider five of these to be cyberbullying: harassment (insults or threats against the cyber-victim), denigration (spreading damaging rumors to harm the cyber-victim's reputation), impersonation (assuming a fake identity to impersonate the cyber-victim and behaving in an embarrassing or damaging way), outing and tricky (gaining and then violating the trust of the cyber-victim by publicly announcing private and embarrassing secrets,for example via photos or videos), and exclusion (systematically excluding the cyber-victim from online activities or online groups). We have excluded the other categories of Wilard's taxanomy from our conceptualization of cyberbullying because they concern arguments between equally powerful peers ("flaming"), because we view them as being sub-categories of harassment ("cyberthreats"), or because we consider them more closely related to sexual harassment on the internet than to cyberbullying ("cyberstalking").