In total, there were nine treatment combinations: (1)
control without P (?P) and without actinomycetes; (2)
(?P) + isolate # 18; (3) (?P) + isolate # 5; (4) with SP addition
(+SP); (5) with PRP addition (+PRP); (6) (+SP) + isolate # 18; (7)
(+SP) + isolate # 5; (8) (+PRP) + isolate # 18; and (9) (+PRP) + i-
solate # 5. Treatments 1–3 did not receive any P source. Bean
seeds were surface-sterilized in 70% ethyl alcohol for 3 min
for 4 min. Surface-sterilized seeds were then washed 10 times
with sterile distilled water. Three weeks after preparing the
soils with the required treatments, seven seeds were sown in
each pot to a depth of 5 mm. When emergence was complete
were placed in an evaporative-cooled greenhouse at 27 ? 3 8C.
The pots were watered daily to container capacity and after 10
days from sowing, micronutrients were added as chelates
with EDTA at the rate of 3.5, 1.45, and 1.45 kg ha ?1 ,
respectively, of Fe, Mn and Zn. Container capacity was
determined by filling seven replicate free-draining pots with
8 kg of soil. The soil was slowly saturated with water and then
allowed to drain overnight until no more drained from the
pots. The soil was then re-weighed to determine container
pots on a daily basis.