Identify fallacies is being committed in the following.
1. How can the US Supreme Court decide that high school newspapers can be censored when papers written by that not in high school cannot be censored? Nothing magical happens the day someone graduates from high school. Students are only one day older. We can’t have laws that apply to you one day and different laws that apply to you the next. A: Straw Man
2. I wanted a Jaguar, but I couldn’t afford it. So, I bought a Ford instead. A: False Charge of Fallacy
3. ‘At least four new residences designed to delineate a new level of luxury. Some visitors will find the opulence disturbing. Perhaps you will recognize a unique opportunity. From half a million dollars …’` A: Appeals to Pride or Snobbery
4. Of course, he’s a conservative. His mother and father are conservatives. His brother is the head of the “Conservatives for a Better America.” A: Virtue by Association
5. We can only conclude that there is no such phenomenon as extra sensory perception, because no one has ever been able to demonstrate that it exists. A: Appeals to ignorance
6. “Your honor, you should judge this young person not guilty of the crime, because she is from a broken home.” A: Appeals to Pity
7. This diet is doctor tested and approved! A: Appeals to Authority
8. Noting that for more than fifty years, all US wars occurred during a Democrat administration; Senator Richard Nixon asked Senator John Kennedy, “I would ask you to name one Republican president that led this country into war.” A: Association Effects
9. President Obama buys his suits at Smith Brothers. A: Popularity
10. We can pull out of the Middle East or we can send American boys and girls to their deaths. Which do you prefer? A: False dichotomy
11. The question of whether we should allow Christian fraternities on campus is an easy one. Wouldn’t you want your son associating with other...