Censorship is not needed Anyone using the internet would have seen a censored page or at least heard of them. Whether you were looking for an illegal website accidentally or visited a page of pornography without meaning so, you would have entered a site telling you that the site have been legally blocked by the government. Censorship has been a major issue. Some people believe that media being censored is absolutely vital and claims that it is there to protect people, while others suggest that censorship denies access to vital information. Is censorship really necessary?
According to the Oxford dictionary, the meaning of freedom is ‘the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants’. Censorship ignores people’s right of freedom. The Guardian produced an article with a partial content of the UN’s universal declaration of human rights in 1948. It stated, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. The right includes freedom to have opinions without interference and to seek, receive and import information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” Humans are different from animals because of one major reason. We have the right to think, express and have freedom. With this freedom taken away from us, the major difference between us and animals will be no longer there.
People from all around the world have different faiths and different religions. It is also a part of our rights to be respected, no matter what we believe in. But in India, the government forces Muslim upon its citizens and anyone that tries to change their religion to Christianity for example, is arrested and stoned to death. India censors websites explaining the goods of other religions and forces the people of its nation to live in a small, self centered world. No one wants to live in a society like so.
Lots of people suggest that growing youths should not be able to gain access to sites with sexual content or inappropriate, violent websites that might lead the teenagers the wrong way. That’s where the parents and the schools come in. It is the parents’ job to check if their child is going the wrong way and it is the schools’ job to make sure they educate the young children what is right and what is wrong. Adults have their personal rights to be able to access any sites they want to go into. The governments should respect that right. For example, North Korea’s government censors all the outside, information and current news, blocking its citizens to grow up to be a free, global individual. This countries government does not have the right to take away all the individuals rights to know what’s going on in this world.