Professions?Or don't you work?
And religion
Am Muslim
Will you convert to lslam?
40 • Arbon Valley, ID
Because can be with you only if you convert
That What written in Quran
Don't be with none,-Muslim
Because they call to Hell.Fire....and Allah Paradise....
Have you ever read Quran or any Revelation?
I know,about your religion ..was a prince
Lived in palace .call Gotmo
He was,thinking about the,creator of heaven r n and earth
Lived in palace .call Gotmo
Then he,worshipped,only one God
But what happened today?
In your temple for s hoped priest's more than one God...right?
That is the greatest Sin
One could ever does
God the,Creator Will never forgive anyone set another God beside him....
You know now?
Then you should,Lear first good English?!
lachen ist gesund und ich bin gesund. lache fast den ganzen tag und bin auch sehr viel auf da kann man sich gratis registrieren und sich mit anderen unterhalten auch wenn sie nicht die Sprache sprechen da dieses programm alles übersetzt. somit kann man freunde rund um den erdbal haben
I will always care for you, even if we’re not together and even if we’re far, far away from each other.
Hello!!!! you are the woman of my dreams !!!!! I like you very much!!!! Your profile caught my attention and I wanted to write and say HELLO. !!! l will be so happy to see you in Istanbul!!! I invite you all the time !!!!! I will wait you!!! When will I see you next time ? Let’s meet in Istanbul . I want to see you. You are very beautiful
Do u have messaging apps
So where can we chat at