As micro grids gain reputation, nations are making decisions towards a new energetic
Paradigm where the centralized model is being abandoned in favor of a more sophisticated,
Reliable, environmentally friendly and decentralized one.
The implementation of such sophisticated systems drive to find out new control
Techniques that make the system “smart”, bringing the Smart-Grid concept. This paper
Studies the role of Energy Management Strategies (EMSs) in hydrogen micro grids, covering
Both theoretical and experimental sides. It first describes the commissioning of a new
Lab scale micro grid system to analyze a set of different EMS performance in real-life. This is
Followed by a summary of the approach used towards obtaining dynamic models to study
And refine the different controllers implemented within this work. Then the implementation
And validation of the developed EMSs using the new lab scale micro grid is
Discussed. Experimental results are shown comparing the response of simple strategies
(Hysteresis band) against complex on-line optimization techniques, such as the Model
Predictive Control. The difference between both approaches is extensively discussed. Results
Evidence how different control techniques can greatly influence the plant performance
and finally we provide a set of guidelines for designing and operating Smart Grids.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
As micro grids gain reputation, nations are making decisions towards a new energeticParadigm where the centralized model is being abandoned in favor of a more sophisticated,Reliable, environmentally friendly and decentralized one.The implementation of such sophisticated systems drive to find out new controlTechniques that make the system “smart”, bringing the Smart-Grid concept. This paperStudies the role of Energy Management Strategies (EMSs) in hydrogen micro grids, coveringBoth theoretical and experimental sides. It first describes the commissioning of a newLab scale micro grid system to analyze a set of different EMS performance in real-life. This isFollowed by a summary of the approach used towards obtaining dynamic models to studyAnd refine the different controllers implemented within this work. Then the implementationAnd validation of the developed EMSs using the new lab scale micro grid isDiscussed. Experimental results are shown comparing the response of simple strategies(Hysteresis band) against complex on-line optimization techniques, such as the ModelPredictive Control. The difference between both approaches is extensively discussed. ResultsEvidence how different control techniques can greatly influence the plant performanceand finally we provide a set of guidelines for designing and operating Smart Grids.© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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