Station 2 : Interview and report
Materials : none
1. Ask the children to decide who they are going to interview, another teacher, member of staff, family member, neighbor or other adult friend. Point out that whoever they interview should speak English!
2. Divide the class into pairs.
3. Ask the children to prepare 6-10 questions for their interview together, Where do you live? What’s your job? What time do you star work? How do you go work?
4. Children them interview the person they have chosen using these questions. They can either do this in pairs if, for example, you have arranged for them to interview colleagues in break time, or individually, if they are going to interview someone at home.
5. Children then write up their interviews into a report, Mrs Scott lives in Rome. She’s a teacher. She goes to work by bus.
6. If you like, children can illustrate their reports with a photo or picture of the person they have interviewed. These can them be displayed.
Comments and suggestions.
1. This activity provides practice in writing questions for a real purpose and introduces children to the genre of report writing. Children also have an opportunity to communicate in English outside the classroom.