There are millions of people right now basing their decisions on the belief that there is a God, thus descriminating against homosexuals and denying them their rights. I don't know if there's a God and as an agnostic, I don't care. I do know there are homosexuals on this planet and people are disrespecting them and acting against them, very often in the name of God. I have a very negative stance on faith, but that's not what we're here to discuss. You want to believe and you have every right to believe and in fact, if anyone were to discreminate against a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew I would react just as passionately against it as I do when people discreminate against homosexuals. We are all equals, living in democracy. If a man wants to marry another man, let him do it. If they want to raise a kid, let them do it. They're not harming anybody by their union and the kid is better off with two dads than with no dads. Same thing goes for lesbians of course, or transgenders or what have you. You can think of it as a sin, you can pray for their salvation if you want, but don't stop them from doing something that is not harming anybody. I respect religion, but religion has to respect me as well. You can think of me as a sinner and I can think of you as a fool. Don't come bursting into my home telling me how to live my life and I won't come bursting into your church telling you that I think you're wrong.
P.S.: These are the views I have as a heterosexual man raised in Catholicism. I became an agnostic/atheist after 5 years of careful thought and consideration. I have no gay friends, I have no gay sibling. I just care about other people.
There are millions of people right now basing their decisions on the belief that there is a God, thus descriminating against homosexuals and denying them their rights. I don't know if there's a God and as an agnostic, I don't care. I do know there are homosexuals on this planet and people are disrespecting them and acting against them, very often in the name of God. I have a very negative stance on faith, but that's not what we're here to discuss. You want to believe and you have every right to believe and in fact, if anyone were to discreminate against a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew I would react just as passionately against it as I do when people discreminate against homosexuals. We are all equals, living in democracy. If a man wants to marry another man, let him do it. If they want to raise a kid, let them do it. They're not harming anybody by their union and the kid is better off with two dads than with no dads. Same thing goes for lesbians of course, or transgenders or what have you. You can think of it as a sin, you can pray for their salvation if you want, but don't stop them from doing something that is not harming anybody. I respect religion, but religion has to respect me as well. You can think of me as a sinner and I can think of you as a fool. Don't come bursting into my home telling me how to live my life and I won't come bursting into your church telling you that I think you're wrong.P.S.: These are the views I have as a heterosexual man raised in Catholicism. I became an agnostic/atheist after 5 years of careful thought and consideration. I have no gay friends, I have no gay sibling. I just care about other people.
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