In conclusion, flexible high-performance TEG modules by using
a screen-printed inorganic TE thick film and organic conducting
polymer hybrid composite were successfully demonstrated. With
this new approach, the micropores in the screen-printed TE film
were filled with an organic conducting polymer, PEDOT:PSS.
Incorporation of PEDOT:PSS into the screen-printed TE film
significantly improved the flexibility of the film up to a bending
radius of 3 cm without degradation of TE properties. Addition of
PEDOT:PSS to the TE thick film increased both the electrical
conductivity and thermal conductivity, but resulted in a slight
increment of the figure-of-merit ZT. The flexible TEG module
fabricated by this technique has produced high output power
density of 1.2 mW cm2 at a 50 K temperature difference and
showed excellent bending fatigue strength. The module also has
additional advantages such as light weight and low fabrication cost
compared to the conventional bulk TEG module. This work is expected
to facilitate practical applications of flexible TEG modules
for energy harvesting anywhere that a temperature difference can
be exploited.