Throughout history, preachers have used various models to understand the relationship between the preacher and the hearers of sermons. In recent years, homileticians have responded to the challenges of postmodernism by exploring the metaphor of conversation as a way to develop less hierarchical or authoritarian conceptions of role and authority. This This project was designed to train active and potential preachers in the Ellis County Baptist Missionary Association of Texas in the basics of expository preaching. Chapter 1 outlines the ministry context at Heritage Baptist Church, the project's purpose, and the project's goals. Chapter 2 examines the biblical and theological rationale that expository preaching is the biblical model, which the church is responsible for promoting. Chapter 3 investigates learning models for effective training, and provides a method of implementation for those models. Chapter 4 is a review of the specific elements of the project, which consisted mainly of a four-week expository sermon series, and an eleven- week seminar on expository preaching. Chapter 5 is an analysis of the project, specifically data collected from the congregation on the four-part sermon series, the data collected from the students in the seminar class (both pre- and post-questionnaire data), and the implementation of the learning techniques.