House/ Apartment
• Describe your dream house.
• What is more important in a house, comfort or style?
• Which is better: rent or buy a house? Why?
• What’s your favorite place in your home? Why?
• How often do you read the paper or watch the news on TV? How important is it for you to keep up with present events?
• Have you (or anyone you know) ever been in the newspaper/on TV? If yes, describe it.
• What is your favorite movie? Why?
• What is the worst film you have ever watched? Why?
• Do you think there is too much violence on TV and in movies? Why or why not?
• How do you decide what to watch on TV?
Grading for the Oral Examination
• Clarity – 5 pts.
• Voice/Non-verbal Communication – 5 pts.
• Fluency- 5pts.
• Comprehension- 5 pts.
• Total- 20 pts.